GEONATURA is a project funded by the key action Strategic Partnerships for higher education under Erasmus+ programme. The project is aimed to provide an eclectic and multidisciplinary formation to higher education students by means of an innovative online educational resources platform (OER) and blended learning mobility activities on applied Geomatics in socioeconomic and environmental issues within the context of sustainable development and climate change.The project has four blended learning mobility (BLM) activities planned during a period of 28 months. Each blended learning mobility consists of 4 days of intensive courses in the premises of a partner university followed by 2 months of remote learning activities through an open educational resources platform that will be developed by partner universities and their staff involved. Each intensive course will consists of 8 modules to be delivered by two lecturers of each partner university totaling 8 teachers involved and will benefit 40 selected students of European universities. Each partner university will be responsible for selecting 10 students for the intensive courses and the selection will be based on the performance of students in the introductory course to be offered in the corresponding partner university and also in their academic records.The consortium also plans multiplier events sequentially to intensive courses in order to promote the educational packages available in the OER platform among other higher education students of the hosting university and other stakeholders such as representatives of local public organizations, NGOs, enterprises and other universities or technical schools.
Recognition or validation of the learning outcomes
Each intensive course within the BLM scheme will be preceded by an introductory course on Geographical Information Systems applied on Socioenvironmental Issues. This introductory course will be offered by each partner university to candidate students of their respective countries and will award 1 ECTS to each student after a successful completion of the course. Moreover, ten students with best records in the introductory courses will be selected for the follow-up intensive course within the BLM. Each intensive course within the BLM scheme will award participant students with 1 to 2 ECTS and a certificate issued by the host university. The students who will follow the remote learning programme through the OER platform and will accomplish additional 4 modules will be awarded with additional 3 ECTS and a certificate jointly issued by partner universities of the consortium.
A Project funded by Erasmus Strategic Partnerships for higher education
NOVA Information Management School
Department of Management of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems
GEONATURA is a project funded by the key action Strategic Partnerships for higher education under Erasmus+ programme. The project is aimed to provide an eclectic and multidisciplinary formation to higher education students by means of an innovative online educational resources platform (OER) and blended learning mobility activities on applied Geomatics in socioeconomic and environmental issues within the context of sustainable development and climate change.The project has four blended learning mobility (BLM) activities planned during a period of 28 months. Each blended learning mobility consists of 4 days of intensive courses in the premises of a partner university followed by 2 months of remote learning activities through an open educational resources platform that will be developed by partner universities and their staff involved. Each intensive course will consists of 8 modules to be delivered by two lecturers of each partner university totaling 8 teachers involved and will benefit 40 selected students of European universities. Each partner university will be responsible for selecting 10 students for the intensive courses and the selection will be based on the performance of students in the introductory course to be offered in the corresponding partner university and also in their academic records.The consortium also plans multiplier events sequentially to intensive courses in order to promote the educational packages available in the OER platform among other higher education students of the hosting university and other stakeholders such as representatives of local public organizations, NGOs, enterprises and other universities or technical schools.
Each intensive course within the BLM scheme will be preceded by an introductory course on Geographical Information Systems applied on Socioenvironmental Issues. This introductory course will be offered by each partner university to candidate students of their respective countries and will award 1 ECTS to each student after a successful completion of the course. Moreover, ten students with best records in the introductory courses will be selected for the follow-up intensive course within the BLM. Each intensive course within the BLM scheme will award participant students with 1 to 2 ECTS and a certificate issued by the host university. The students who will follow the remote learning programme through the OER platform and will accomplish additional 4 modules will be awarded with additional 3 ECTS and a certificate jointly issued by partner universities of the consortium.
A Project funded by Erasmus Strategic Partnerships for higher education